Release, Relax
Massaging the feet can help with joint pain and aid recovery after an injury, as well as reduce muscle soreness. However, when massage is combined with foot and ankle strengthening exercises and stretching it can prevent future injuries, as well as speed up recovery of existing injuries. A short session three to five times a week will ensure that you minimize the risk of injury. We all have our moments of clumsiness, but a strengthened and flexible ankle and foot ensures that we can avoid unpleasant injuries.
High blood pressure has become fairly common in modern men and women. It can be caused by a number of things such as stress and an unhealthy diet, but in most cases it has no particular cause and is believed to be a result of environmental factors and genetics. A study conducted on healthcare staff working with elderly people suffering from dementia – a job that is highly stressful and both physically and mentally taxing – showed that a 10-minute foot massage session up to three times a week resulted in improved mood, less anxiety and lower blood pressure.

Back Massage
30Mins Back Massage-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$40
60Mins Back Massage-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$60
90Mins Back Massage-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$90
120Mins Back Massage--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$120
30Mins Back& 30 Mins Foot----------------------------------------------------------------------------$60
60 Minutes Combo---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$40
(20Mins Back Neck Head and 40 Mins Foot)
60Minutes Back & 60 Minutes Foot-----------------------------------------------------------------$100
Foot Massage
30Mins Foot Massage-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$25
60Mins Foot Massage-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$40
Chair Massage
10 Mins---------------------------------$12
15 Mins---------------------------------$18
30 Mins---------------------------------$32
64 A May ST Winder 30680 GA